Prevented Miscarriage

Prevented Miscarriage

I had a history of miscarrying and found myself unexpectedly—yet ecstatically—pregnant for the third time in November 2012. This came as much welcome news after having an ectopic pregnancy in 2008, an early miscarriage two years later and several disheartening trips to the fertility clinic in 2012, only to be told that there was slim chance of conceiving a viable pregnancy naturally. I was emotionally spent, and although I was happy to be pregnant, I was extremely worried. I was especially concerned about some symptoms I was having like spotting and mild cramping. I REALLY wanted this baby and I was scared. I felt that I needed to consult with a naturopath soon, as allopathic medicine could offer me no definite answers, I felt. Karuna popped into my head immediately. I had consulted with her after my second miscarriage and I remembered that she specialized in women’s medicine in India. I knew that she could help me. And, indeed, she did! Her nutritional counselling minimized my digestive disturbances that were interfering with hormonal balance and soon the spotting stopped. I never had any morning sickness, either. She provided me with certain antioxidants and advice on how spices and foods can balance the body and heal. She also had several important lifestyle recommendations. I consulted her throughout my pregnancy and it gave me great comfort. My confidence and faith grew as time went on during the pregnancy that everything was going to be alright and finally this little soul was going to stick around. Eight months after my first frantic phone call to Karuna, my son, Sebastian, was born and I know that I owe so much to her for helping me to keep us healthy. In a sense, she is my son’s godmother and I am so grateful to her!

– by Elena N.