Ayurvedic Regime for Summer
Summer season dietary and lifestyle advice as per #ayurvedicmedicines is as follows ;
The food should be sweet,light and easy to digest.
It shouldn’t be too fatty,oily or cold ,as it can increase the kapha or heaviness in the body.
Spices advised are cardamom, fennel ,cinnamon and cumin seeds.
Fresh seasonal fruits like mangoes, blueberries ,passion fruits ,water melon and juicy fruits can be consumed on daily basis.
Salads made with green leafy vegetables are highly nutritious and rich in antioxidants. Cucumber, zucchini,okra ,long melon and celery are healthy options in summer.
Eat lentils like moong beans and brown lentils.Try sprouting them to increase it’s vitamin and protein content.
Medicated butter milk with roasted cumin seeds and mint can be consumed with main meals of the day to balance Vata.
Raisins ,dates ,prunes are good for cleansing .
In hot days make lemon water with salt and sugar to keep yourself hydrated.
Things to Avoid during Summer’s.
Avoid sitting in the sun for long hours as it can deplete your energy and cause sun burns.
Avoid excess use of hot spices like chilli,mustard seeds and black pepper.
Minimise consuming foods which are too salty,sour and pungent.
Don’t eat freezer food and leftovers as it can cause bloating, distension and upset your gut.
Tyr to stop smoking and intake of drinking alcohol as it can imbalance your body and increase inflammations and flare up lifestyle diseases like arthritis.
Reduce eating heavy beans and lentils if you have gut issues like kidney beans.
If you want to know more about how to stay healthy in Summer’s then book your Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation.
Stay healthy and Stay happy.